Dragonfly 40 update
The new Dragonfly 40 is coming more and more to life, hull No 1 is now real, it is already painted in the final color and is now in the process of further development.
The biggest time consumer and complex mould part is for sure the center hull deck. As we speak, the mould for the deck is being laminated. Afterwards, the deck mould must be sanded and polished to high gloss finish. In August, we can start laminating the first deck.
In the coming weeks, our main focus is the center hull – to develop the internal composite parts, (inner liner) that gives the foundation and base for the interior parts as well as internal hull structure and centerboard casing.
This is a big and complex boat project, and we now focus with even more staff on this project in order to show hull No 1 at the boot Düsseldorf in January 2020